Unison Joints dispatched 676 metres of car park expansion joint cover plates & fire expansion joint strip system to for One City Hill for the 3 level basement car park.
One City Hill is a new $380 million commercial office complex a seven-storey office complex with ground floor retail and cafes.
Carpark Aluminium Expansion Joint Cover

The ByN system has been
developed for covering and sealing construction joints, temporary movement
joints and small movement joints in concrete carpark floors. The ByN uses a
high-grade extruded synthetic rubber seal with design-properties for use on
highways. Unlike similar thermoplastic seals, the ByN seal has good bond
strength, therefore adheres well to the substrate and when butt joining or
mitring. ByN can be installed quickly and efficiently. It can be used in
carparks for Retail, Public buildings, Stadiums, Airports and other suspended
or slab-on-ground structures
Expansion Joint Fire Seal AS1530.4
High-movement fire seal system is very simply installed by insertion into masonry floors and walls. The range of sizes are suitable for gaps 20mm to 150mm. The system is tested/certified to AS 1530.4 and BS476. PyI has seismic capability, and can be used in conjunction with most Unison movement joint cover plate and water seal systems.

Designing Manufacturing Installing Expansion Joints in Australia for 21 Years