Hospital Grade expansion seals

22 Years manufacturing expansion joint products in Australia

Unisons Anti Pathogenic Hospital – Medical approved expansion joints have been in demand.   Unison supplied over 140 metres   of our MoD thermoplastic seal to our contractors for Installation within the Ipswich Satellite Hsopital, Caboolture Hospital & Redlands Hospital in December 2022.

Anti- pathogenic hospital expansion joint seal
Figure 1 Unisons Hospital Grade Expansion Joints

The seal is purposely designed with smooth ripples to allow the seal to open, rather than stretch & break. Floor seal system designed for hospital, food preparation areas, laboratories, cleaners’ rooms or wherever hygiene is imperative. The Morpho seal is made from dual-compound thermoplastic with UV inhibitors. Colour options are available for minimum quantity production runs. Mo L is lower profile design.

Unison Joints have designed, manufactured, supplied and or installed expansion joint cover plates, car park, water proof seal, fire insulator barriers and pathogenic seals into more then 100 Hospitals within Australia.
For further information on design, CAD drawings,  technical advice, supply or installation of expansion joints please call 07 3907 0500 OR email